Friday 30 January 2009

The New Broadcast System

Well,I've noticed the new Broadcast sytem,after the post in
And I should really say my opinion about it.

Now to send a broadcast you just need to pick the words and symbols that Stardoll gives and to compose them to make a message.
It seems easier to send a broadcast,but it's not.
Now you can't say what you really want to.There is a restriction with the words given.
Stardoll doesn't act democratic at all.
They could at least lower the price per one broadcast,because it's not fair to give your money for something you don't really want.

Anyway,I've tried the new method of sending broadcasts.It's not too bad as I expected.I said almost everything I wanted to,but there aren't still enough words.
And the only goodthing is that now you can link people to visit not only your suite,but you can choose linking them to your Guestbook,Starblog,Album,Scenries or Starbazaar.

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